The Right Question

Italy - VaticanTim O’Reilly’s interview in 99U’s Make Your Mark series is sticking with me.  He talks of a conference he attended on the future of the US economy where the focus was on the decline of the middle class.  Too many conversations are about “How are we going to preserve our place in the ecosystem?”  . . .  Stop.  “Nobody cares about that.  That’s the wrong question.  The right question is, ‘What does the world need?  What do my customers need?  What can I do?’”  O’Reilly says preserving the middle class will be a byproduct of doing something that the world needs.

What does the world need?  What can I do?

This morning I thought of the three futile strategies: attacking, indulging and ignoring;” how we suffer these habits mindlessly.  We’re divided against each other; pointing fingers – I’m right, you’re wrong.  Society says buy, buy, buy – when our cupboards are already stuffed.  We look the other way because “whatever” is not my problem.  The world needs less suffering; more peace, more space.

But what can I do?  When I’m still enough I can hear the intuitive knowing about my personal “next right step.”  This I can do, and be a part of the change the world needs.


Dirty Girl Tires

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Try Something New – Deliberately

Italy2 091Make art – “Because you must.”  In The Icarus Deception Seth Godin urges us to make art, step out of our comfort zones – commit “to do work that is personal, that requires guts, and that has the potential to change everything.”  “Art is the unique work of a human being, work that touches another.”  Not for the faint of heart. According to Seth “If it doesn’t ship, it’s not art.”  No;  “it’s not art until a human connection is made.”

Seth created a series of Krypton College Courses – the first of which was based on his work, and exposed me to “The ShipIt Journal.”  What a great find! – the perfect tool to use as a Charter and project outline when I wanted to strike out and try something new and cutting edge at work.

“The ShipIt Journal” asks:  “When was the last time you did something new for the first time?”

Think about it!  When did you step out and do something so totally new that it kinda freaked you out?  Something you were absolutely NOT expert, or even moderately good at?  Something that could maybe make you look like a complete and total goober?  When?  My blog launched September 2014 – BIG risk for me.  And last month I started drawing cartoons.  SHIPPED BOTH!  Talk about nervous and shaky and vulnerable!  Whoa-buddy.  But what a rush.  That would be two for me recently.

Hands-down “ShipIt” champion is my friend Diletha!  Clever woman created a list of things she’d never done, and set out to do them.  She called it her “A to Z Living List” – and shared with friends and family adventures that included a cruise, helicopter ride, kayaking, line dancing and zonkey sighting (who knew)!  She did it!  How is that for some crazy, cool kind of art!  While she says she won’t go skydiving or snorkeling … I’m unconvinced; I say we shall see.

Stepping out; stepping up and taking on new challenges is the best thing we can do to stay young, vibrant and mentally healthy.  In their book Super Brain, Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D. explain that exposing ourselves to new experiences promotes neuroplasticity in our brains.  “Neuroplasticity is better than mind over matter.  It’s mind turning into matter as your thoughts create new neural growth.”  –  “Even better is to deliberately set out to learn new skills.”

Dr. Tanzi heads the Alzheimer’s Genome Project.  He co-discovered the first Alzheimer’s disease gene and continues the search for a cure.  Research shows neuroplasticity and neurogenesis contribute to our brain’s health, and shows promise to effectively treat Alzheimer’s and other brain traumas.  My great grandmother had Alzheimer’s.  I saw a strong, courageous, loving woman disappear.  Scary stuff.  By stepping out of my snuggly, safe world I’m more likely to stay sharp and engaged.  Who wouldn’t want to give that a try?

Yes, it’s time to go and SHIP MY ART!


As revealed by Tom Rath’s “StrengthFinder 2.0” – here is my graphic of my personal strengths:


“Fear doesn’t go away.  The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.” – Steven Pressfield

I’m Skeered

Italy - Florence 2The opportunity I imagined knocked on my door last week.  I didn’t exactly slam the door shut, but my sigh of relief was cosmic when it faded back into the wallpaper.  Amazing!  I can want something, take a few puny steps in its direction; then when it peeks its head around the corner I hesitate.  Run scared.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca

It’s time to be prepared.  REALLY prepared.  Not just “blah, blah, blah – I’m a big talker” prepared.  I can sit on my sofa and imagine big stuff – events very different from my workaday world.  But I move slowly; I’m comfortable, safe.  Then I get antsy; claim boredom – take a few more puny steps.  Talk – talk – talk.  Fear; it’s all fear.  And boy did I feel it last week.  What am I scared of – Failing?  Succeeding?  Both?

The opportunity will return.  Time for my steps to be more substantial; put my money where my mouth is as “they” say.  Go!  Do.  I’m feeling lucky.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Bear Hair 2011 (13)

 “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” ― Paulo Coelho

Perspective – Keep it Real

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: per•spec•tive
noun \pər-ˈspek-tiv\
1a – the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance
1b – a picture in perspective
2a – the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed <places the issues in proper perspective>; also: point of view
2b – the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance <trying to maintain my perspective>
3a – a visible scene; especially: one giving a distinctive impression of distance: vista
3b – a mental view or prospect <to gain a broader perspective on the international scene-Current Biography>
4 – the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions

Perspective can mean a lot of things.  My excruciating experience with Atlanta traffic last Thursday was put into perspective when I read Sunday’s AJC; in particular definition 2b “the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.”

A woman died last Thursday; and it was gruesome.  I’ll never know why she was walking on a dangerous 10-lane highway at rush hour.  My personal frustration and annoyance was put into perspective.  That day will soon be a lost memory for me.  But for her it was tragic; a day that her loved ones will never forget.

It’s easy to be flippant sometimes; and I can be quite the smart-ass.  This Sunday I was reminded that life is about where you are standing, and I only experience my view.  The view from your perspective is very different.


“It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others.” ― Andrew J. Holmes, Wisdom in Small Doses


Soul Sucking – Be Aware or Beware

Yesterday my 30 minute commute to work took 1-hour & 45 minutes.  At one point I pleaded to God “make it stop!”  I ask myself – Why!  Why do I do this day-after-day and chance this torture; sigh, I know why.  When I finally settled in all comfy-like with my coffee – I pulled up the task du jour.  Objective setting.  No doubt, J.K. Rowling’s Dementors were stalking me.

Thankfully my manager and I already discussed the objectives topic and I’m not completely hosed.  My Company is in the midst of change – we must be flexible as we reinvent ourselves to thrive in the new economy.  We must behave differently.  Our old way of doing business won’t see us into the future.  My Intent is to bring a creative spark to my corner of the world; be authentic and do right work.

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote, “… Our vocation can nourish our understanding and compassion, or erode them.  We should be awake to the consequences, far and near, of the way we earn our living.” (The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching [Parallax Press, 1998], p. 104)

So let us walk our talk – as individuals; as a Company.  We claim transparency; okay then … soul-sucking office-speak has got to go.  When I write my 2015 Objectives let me be direct – and real; quit the gobbledygook words that don’t mean anything.  In his article Where Did Soul-Sucking Office Speak Come From? James Gingell tells how a Dilbert-like world came about, and the consequences of this obfuscation (yes – I really wrote that).

“Office-speak is not language,” says Gingell.  “It’s not even jargon, but more a verbal argon—inert strings of sounds or symbols used to confuse underlings, to deliberately bore them and keep them servile.”   Fancy business consultants made this stuff up; “they created the new-age-techno-babble-pseudo-scientific nonsense of office-speak. (Most directly and irrefutably, management consultants are responsible for the cowardly language of mass-sackings: ” rightsizing,” “streamlining,” and “restructuring.”)”  – a bullet I dodged.

The old-world way of doing business penalizes us “for not using the anti-language of office-speak; those who don’t possess the office-speaker’s loose tongue get ignored, or offend people with their transparent straight-talking, or seem reserved.”  A new transparent, connected economy wants understanding.  Double-speak no longer desired.

Be aware of the world we perpetuate – or beware the soul-sucking Dementors.

Traffic?  You’re next!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥NYC Subway 1

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ― Gloria Steinem