This Life Ain’t for Sissies

.. long, long ago; can I still be that?
.. long, long ago; can I still be that?

Was going about the business of being me this week – being the “business me” on a conference call; just saying what I needed to say, saying what I wanted to say.  No biggie.  Turns out this one guy really didn’t like how I showed up – and challenged what I said, how I said it – told me all about it.  Hmmm: totally surprised me.  It actually wasn’t what I said, or meant, which was a bit confusing.  Anyway, told the guy – profusely – sorry about what he heard; don’t recall saying what he heard – sure don’t disrespect his knowledge of his business.  He pushed hard and told me someone “pinged him” on chat “WOW” about my comments, basically validating that he was right and I was wrong.  Again: profusely – sorry about what they both heard; don’t recall saying it (Am I crazy?); sure don’t disrespect his knowledge of his business.  I don’t think he liked my apology; I didn’t validate his point-of-view or that of his witness; but he grudgingly accepted that I don’t disrespect his knowledge of his business.

Checked in with my boss, who I totally respect and admire.  Turns out she admitted that she “cringed” at my tone and wondered if I knew the guy was on the call.  What?  (Now I really must be crazy!)  I was being me – said what I thought – no disrespect for anyone – wasn’t pissed – wasn’t in a bad mood.  What?

How can I be me and not be swayed by other people’s reality, but consider feedback?  How can I do that?  After serious reflection and meditation on my motives, I know I meant no disrespect, have no recollection that my “tone” was in any way out of the ordinary.  I was just being me.  I am not crazy.

NOW: how do I not want to change me and mold myself to be more pleasing and acceptable to others?  Do I throw “me” out for approval and to fit in?  So uncomfortable.  Just being me, speaking my truth.  I feel okay to apologize for the guy hearing something I didn’t intend.  But what he heard was about him, not me.  So much harder to hear someone I respect and care about see me in a negative way; but that is about her, not me.

Being willing to be me even when no one “gets me” is hard.  Of course I want to be accepted and liked.  So uncomfortable to not accept that “I must be crazy (wrong) .. whatever” in the face of the response I got – way uncomfortable.  I want to be me.  I want to be me no matter what.  The “no matter what” may be lack of understanding, no acceptance, people I love insisting I am wrong, my desire to be loved and wanted edging me to give “me” up.  This life ain’t for sissies!


Awareness or Judgment?

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It is not a coincidence.  I’ve been observing (and scolding) myself recently for judging others; after asking my higher self to be more conscious and kind.  So it was quite a surprise, and a thoroughly new concept for me to read today that maybe, just maybe, I am simply aware.

Dr. Dain Heer asked in his book Being You, Changing the World do I “buy the lie that you are judgmental.” What?

.. let’s say you’re walking by somebody who has judgments of their body and you look at their body and perceive all this judgment that the person is inflicting on their body, and that they have of themselves, and you think those are your judgments because you can perceive them.  Now at this point you go; “Oh, I’m so judgmental of people’s bodies. I can’t believe I’m judging somebody’s body like that!”

“Are you really judging their body or are you aware of their judgments of their body and of the projections of other people placed on their body?  And does it mean that you’re judgmental, or does it mean that you’re actually aware?   

I just assumed I was judging.  Dr. Heer says this is a lie.  These judgments of mine aren’t harsh, critical or put-downs.  Truthfully they do feel more like observations.  I’m telling myself that I must stop this judging!  But I like being aware.  I like being tuned into the vibe around me.  Something new to think about, to meditate on and consider.  I like this concept.  It makes sense.

Coincidence?  No, this came to me as I was ready to see it.
