Technology Wizard

NYC Times SquareAmazing – I think myself into my own limitations!  Told my boss how she amazes me with her ability to read and understand legal contracts; “I can’t do that, way too hard.”  “Yes you can,” she says.  I laugh – she’s right.  “Okay then, I just don’t want to.”  “We all have our strengths,” she replies back.  Don’t be jealous, I have a great boss!

Reading about Intent and awareness is opening my eyes; I hold myself in check.  Do I really “struggle” with technology?  Or is it just like legal contracts?  Not where I want to spend time.

Beware the consequences of that personal choice!  Do I want that limitation?  No!  I want to communicate; and well.  Today that means using technology.  Time to pry open my mind and see myself as a “Technology Wizard.”  Start clocking my 10K hours.  In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell claims that greatness requires enormous time.  The magic number is 10,000 hours.  Hold on!  Do I need to be a great technology wizard?  Can I be an “adequate” wizard?  Time for this perfectionist to get real.  Adequate may just serve my purpose.  Still, getting from novice to adequate will take a minute – I best get cracking!

“Buyer beware” – if you’re with me for this ride, I might hit some pot holes.  Hang on.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Peru 2008

“Tis a lesson you should heed, try, try again. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.’” ― Frederick Maryat (1792-1848)


Freeing the Wily Fox

Seth Godin explains how to catch “the Wily Fox” in The Icarus Deception.”

“Build an eight-foot-long wooden fence in the forest.

Lay out some bait and then go away for a week. 

The fox is too crafty to be caught in a simple trap, and he will smell you and avoid the fence for days. But eventually, he’ll come and eat the bait.

At the end of the week, build a second length of fence at a right angle to the first. Leave more bait.

The fox will avoid the fence again for a few days, then take the bait.
At the end of the second week, build a third wall and a gate. Leave more bait.

When you come back at the end of a month, the fox will be happily prancing in his safe enclosure, and all you will have to do is close the gate. The fox will be trapped.”

Yes Seth, this “happened to us.”  To me anyway.  No, not all at once, and oh Yes! I was seduced by the glittery prizes, the security – uh, “apparent security.”  I agree that the industrial age continues to fade and the connection economy skyrocket (See “Elbow of the Curve”).  Now you tell me “the fence has been dismantled.” That “It’s Gone.”  Interesting.  It doesn’t feel that way – I must be like the dog with the electronic collar and invisible fence!  As Spencer Johnson would say “Who Moved My Cheese?!”

Part of me wants the fence gone SO BAD!!  I AM the Wily Fox.  Crap – I got caught.  I want uncaught!  What to do, what to do!  I’m kinda secure (as one can be in today’s wobbly world).  I’m certainly older, am I wiser or just plain scared to lose my stuff?

If I have people around me that love me; encourage my wily nature, egg me on even – who cares about stuff.  But then what about the old age / health dilemma?  Must I sacrifice my mischievous, rascally self so I don’t end up a bag lady?  No. Already laid that one to rest; not going to happen. Although I’d be a darn great wicked bag lady.

I can express my authentic voice in the business world and in my writing.  Just takes courage; courage to be brave enough to push my comfort zone.  Oh – and luck; which I have with a jam-up Mentor who agreed to work with me on this objective in 2015.  She’ll make sure I’m not so whacked I alienate my audience; at least not too bad.  Courageous, lucky – and maybe smart enough to know I’m not alone in this.

So – here’s to freeing the Wily Fox!


NYC Subway

 “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson (quoted in The Icarus Deception)


Remembering Clara

SlippersHer slippers arrived today.  I choked up when I held them – because now she won’t.  Clara, my mother-in-law passed away last week.  While we knew it would come, it was unexpected.  We thought we’d have Christmas.

Robert made an Intent the spring of 2013 – to “take care” of his “momma.”  And he did – he took care of her.  I watched them; the independent, feisty woman and her determined, gregarious son.  We didn’t think she’d make it two months, but talk about resilient; she hung with us for a year and a half.

I learned from her about accepting help; no mean feat for a woman who was a self-sufficient rolling stone – and chaffed at the constraints of her illness.  I learned from him about giving from the heart; despite his own ginormous health issues.  They fussed and teased, then shopped the thrift markets.  They poked and prodded; then kicked back and watched the birds & squirrels.

Our world; Robert’s and mine included and reflected Clara – daily.  Clara’s world included and reflected us; especially her son.  We were an alliance; a family unit.  I am him; he was her; she was me and back again.  Clara lives on; in us, her daughters, sisters, grandkids and great grandkids.

She’ll be missed – but her influence, her love lives on.

 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Clara and me

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ― Matthew 11:28


It’s Not Her – It’s Me

no cluePart of my work-day routine is to get a “good” cup-a-coffee at the Company Coffee Shop before I hit my day.  And usually ask: Why?  Why are the baristas so grumpy and slow?  One barista in particular seemed particularly disgruntled and sulky.

After several (um, yes)–years of inward grumbling about the cranky, sluggish service, I thought I’d do some experimental “flash prayers” specifically on Her Grumpiness.  Flash prayers are an idea developed by Frank Laubach that I read about in The Celebration of Discipline, by Richard J. Foster; (wonderful book gifted to me long ago by a dear friend).  Laubach says “Flashing hard and straight prayers at people is a great thrill and can bring interesting results.”   I’ve practiced them on and off for years.  My brand of flash includes a shot of white light onto my prayer recipient.

It struck me like a – BIG HARD BRICK – this week that it worked!  But with an unexpected twist.  As I was checking out early one morning, I saw her across the room – she turned, smiled and waved at me.  I smiled and waved back.  BAM!  How did that happen?  Turns out she is a really nice woman, has a college-aged daughter, gets to work really early every morning (5:45am), enjoys her comfort foods at night while relaxing at home and has a great smile.

What changed?  Me – I changed.  I stopped seeing her as someone who serves me, and started seeing her as SOMEONE.  I began treating her with kindness and interest.  And she reciprocated.  I know this, most of know this – I just needed a reminder! How does it get any better than that?!

 “If you treat a man as he is, he will remain as he is, if you treat him as he ought to be and could be, he will become as he ought to be and could be.”
– Goethe



You Are Yelling

NYC exhibit
NYC exhibit

I was interrupted while I was speaking during a business meeting/ conference call this week by a colleague who whispered loudly: “You are yelling” …

It is disconcerting to be interrupted like that mid-speech, in front of people, whether or not they could see (or hear) the exchange.  I don’t think his motives were bad; he probably meant to help.  My initial reaction was annoyance.  Of course I had to keep talking (being mid-sentence), but I was definitely thrown.

Days later I was still bugged.  Was I really that loud?  WTH?  Do I need to do something?  Say something to him?  How do I handle this unsolicited feedback?  Is it him or is it me?  Could my annoyance be signaling a past wound?  My ex-husband used to call me “Bullhorn Hawk” when he wanted me to quiet down.  Do I have unresolved issues there?  Why is this bugging me so much?

AAARRRG!!!  Please stop the voices inside my head!!! 

Michael A. Singer says in The Untethered Soul that if I’m smart, I’ll “take the time to step back, examine this voice, and get to know it better.”  Although I may not be to objective (since it is literally in my face/ head) – so I have to step way back and just “watch it converse.”  I am not that voice.  I am who notices that the voice exists.

When I step back and watch I find my mind constantly jabbering about something.  Singer says the best way to free myself from this nonstop noise is to simply stop and listen to it – observe it.  I can’t stop it by force of will.  It is not me.  The only way out of this trap is to know that it is not me.  So by being conscious I can decide that I’m not going there – into the snare of not me and I will let go of all that junk.  Singer also suggests:

“If you truly want to grow spiritually, you’ll realize that keeping your stuff is keeping you trapped.  Eventually you’ll want out, at any cost.  You will then realize that life is actually trying to help you.  Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth.  You don’t have to decide who’s right or wrong.  You don’t have to worry about other people’s issues.  You only have to be willing to open your heart in the face of anything and everything, and permit the purification process to take place.  When you do this, the first thing you’ll see is that situations will unfold that hit your stuff.  But, in truth, that’s exactly what has been happening your entire life.  The only difference is that now you see it as a good thing because it’s an opportunity to let go. 

 So thank you dude for helping me!

Rodin; Vatican City, Rome
