The Air is More Than Empty Space

Sending blessings, love and energy through the airwaves is a satisfying and nourishing gift. People sense affection and support, whether they’re near or far away. It’s a powerful way to make a personal difference for myself and others.

This emotional force deserves careful attention though. People also intuit the malevolent vibes and often respond in kind. As the saying goes, what you put out you get back.

It seems logical that words and behavior expose my feelings. The power of my thoughts is less obvious. While I consider them private, their impact is tangible. Pretending otherwise is just fooling myself. The good news is that I create tomorrow with the attitudes of today. Let me choose those thoughts wisely.

Influencing energy through space isn’t science fiction or new age magic. Views conceived by psychics, mystics and clairvoyants are now scientific reality.

High-frequency radio waves bring Facetime and Zoom calls. Bluetooth delivers airdrop photos and my favorite tunes on a wireless speaker. I don’t need to know how it all works, but I’m grateful to the engineers and technicians that brought these marvels to life.

A century ago, science established that plants benefit when we talk to them. And recent studies suggest trees communicate with each other through their roots and soil. There’s a beautiful deodar cedar in my front yard. I stop and look from inside – appreciating her beauty and character, feeling peace. That she may feel this emotion from a distance and benefit is inspiring.

The air around us is more than empty space.

Striking a balance between science and fancy is a good approach for me. Experimentation and practice increase the confidence I have in my instincts. This is how I learned my intuitions are reliable and hunches to be explored, no matter how peculiar.

Taking responsibility for the thoughts in my head is a practical ambition. For those notions where science hasn’t caught up, I’ll follow my intuition and instinct.

Imagine it and make it real.

“All imaginative men and women are forever casting forth enchantments, and all passive men and women, who have no powerful imaginative lives, are continually passing under the spell of their power” – Neville Goddard; ‘The Law and The Promise’


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