What You Feel Is What You Attract

“Don’t be so predictable.”

Pema Chodron – Compassion Cards; teachings for awakening the heart in everyday life

When I pulled this card out of the pack – to see what the Universe wanted me to meditate about; my first reaction was to put it back and pick another card.  Surely I checked the “don’t be predictable” box!

No.  Stop.  Think.  I’m asking the Universe to provide insight.  Theoretically using these cards opens my mind; pokes at my perceptions – encourages mindfulness.

Hmmmm…. do I know more than the Universe?  Right.  Pretty predicable.


In his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza connects quantum science, habitual thinking and behavior, brain physiology and meditation – to unleash our power to substantially change.  If I want my life to be different I must change my “beliefs about the nature of reality.”

“Until you break from the way you see your present reality, any change in your life will always be haphazard and transitory.”

Don’t be so predictable.

I could say – hey, I’m good with who I am and what I believe.  But then if I complain about being left behind, or hate that the world’s changing around me in ways I don’t like – then maybe the “I’m good” is a lie.

“How we think and how we feel produces a state of being, which generates an electromagnetic signature that influences every atom in our world.

“So if we want to change some aspect of our reality, we have to think, feel, and act in new ways; we have to “be” different in terms of our responses to experiences.  We have to “become” someone else.  We have to create a new state of mind . . . we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind.”

This new way of being creates an altered electromagnetic field to power my world – all the molecules, particles and bits.  This field will pull me toward a new reality; or help that reality find me.

According to Dr. Joe, when we “mentally rehearse a desired experience via thought alone, you will experience the emotions of that event before it has physically manifested.”  Meditating can help change how we think, feel and act.

“When you begin to feel like some potential future reality is happening to you in the moment that you are focusing on it, you are rewriting your automatic habits, attitudes and other unwanted subconscious programs.”

Maybe a new electromagnetic field of reality can jolt me out of my furious, annoyed and thoroughly appalled frame of mind about the political landscape.  I certainly could use some re-jiggering in my brain on this topic.

It will certainly take more than the power of positive thinking.  More than just wishful musing.  It will require a real shift in my emotional center – insist my psyche be stunned, flabbergasted – dumbfounded even.

Okay – so I meditate.  For weeks.  Patiently, eagerly; watchfully.

It fascinates me how my revelations come; the mechanisms for my astonishment and wonder.  This time it was delivered through “the long read” on April 5th in The Guardian: the demise of the nation state.

“After decades of globalisation, our political system has become obsolete – and spasms of resurgent nationalism are a sign of its irreversible decline. By Rana Dasgupta”

This article brought similar emotions as when I read Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens, and how I feel now reading his book Homo Deus.  Understanding and appreciating history – connecting the dots to arrive at today’s state of affairs; can be disturbing, enlightening, exhausting and wholly liberating.

Today’s political paradigm is maybe 100 to 300 years old.  In the grand scheme of infinity and eternity – we’re a speck, a dot . . . a dab.  What I think, what our world leaders think, is all made up.  Made up in our minds, our habits; our beliefs and opinions.  Things WILL change.  Probably dramatically – and in spectacularly unfathomable ways.

In my own, singular way I can change – so I connect with those around me; move the dialog positively – contribute with actions that elevate.  Quit being so pissed off.   Stop.  Think.  Don’t be so predictable.


“Memory is useful because it gives us a sense of continuity. But memory is also imprisoning because it conditions us in predictable ways.” – Deepak Chopra


Saturn in Capricorn – Wassup

Last December it caught my attention that Saturn was moving out of Sagittarius into Capricorn.  Saturn was in Sagittarius when I was born and again during a massive life changing period (for me) 28 years ago.  It takes 28-29 years for Saturn to come full circle – spending ~2-1/2 years in each sign.  Saturn is an important planet.  It represents the lessons we have to learn – cycles of achievement and maturity; personally and collectively.  According to Wikipedia, Saturn “heralds a new phase in the aging process when new realities and responsibilities must be faced.”

This transit may not come again for me . . . ever; or at least until I’m very old.

Astrology once had my full attention – prompting me to have my natal chart professionally cast 28 years ago.  Everything was mapped . . . the position of planets by sign and house at the time of my birth; planetary aspects; Ascendant, Descendent, Midheaven and Nadir of my chart – the whole shebang.  Back then knowing my potentialities comforted me as I tackled those internal and external obstacles.

Comforted me until I found out I had no “Final Dispositor!”  At that time I interpreted this to mean “I’d have a hard time making up my mind or choosing a path of action.”  I was Doomed!!

Bullshit.  I folded up all those papers that represented hours of research, reading, pouring over diagrams and making notes.  Put ‘em in a folder and stuck ‘em on a shelf.

Hell No – no soothsayer was gonna to tell me I was doomed to flounder!  Recalling the lines from a poem I learned as a kid (Invictus, by William Ernest Henley):

“I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.”

I’m not so defiant these days.  Today I know… that I don’t know what I don’t know!  And that there’s a lot of it.  Quantum physics teaches us that things transform simply by being observed.  Our biology and brains reveal uncharted frontiers.  Potentialities based on the position of the universe when I was born, may or may not be valid.  But if I look and see the potentiality within, I just might transform something.  As a framework for self-examination – this is an interesting doorway.

According to Café Astrology, this stage will last until the end of 2020.  For this Sagittarian (whose house Saturn just left) it’s a practical time.

The purpose of this transit is for you to make the connection between your own feelings of self-worth and what you produce in the real world/get back from the real world.”

“The challenge here is to capture the newly found and defined self-confidence you gained from the first house transit, and now apply it in the real world. You are worth something, and you deserve compensation for what you do.”

Saturn occupies the sign of Capricorn from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then finishes up its transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.

Dec 19, 2017  11:49 PM  EST Saturn enters Capricorn

Mar 21, 2020    11:58 PM  EDT Saturn enters Aquarius

Jul  1, 2020      7:37 PM  EDT Saturn Rx enters Capricorn

Dec 17, 2020    12:04 AM  EST Saturn enters Aquarius


“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” – Arthur C. Clark


Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda – Once Again

Woulda, shoulda, coulda – Who doesn’t have a regret or a missed opportunity these words imply?

If I would have . . .  Maybe I should have . . . If only I could have . . .  So many ways to live in the past instead of now.  Sometimes I don’t even realize I’m going there.

Being motivated, driven even; I freely acknowledge being a “Type A” personality – for decades!  I owned the labels: competitive, organized; ambitious.  While I didn’t necessarily like being tagged impatient and aggressive, if I’m honest they applied from time to time.

A year-and-a-half ago, I stepped off the corporate treadmill.  Now what?  Naturally I had plans.  Then life happened, and I’m 18 months down a road I didn’t expect.  Stepping away from being tightly scheduled, determined and industrious is enlightening.  And uncomfortable.

If I woulda stayed on plan; I coulda already written a book.  Shoulda kept to a schedule … woulda had more to show for all these months.  What a load of horse manure.  Still uncomfortable.

How easy it is to get sucked into this thinking.  I’m incredibly grateful for my driven race to achieve goals … they brought me to a place where I can practice “Type B” behaviors.  Re-train the brain.  When I move past my discomfort, this new laid back lifestyle feels right and true.  I’m learning that Type B’s aren’t slackers. They enjoy achievement; just don’t get all stressed out about it.  And apparently have fewer heart attacks!

Allowing life to unfold – “living my way into the answer” as my friend Renee says, is an approach worth taking.  Accepting that what I thought to be true may not be … opens my life to new possibilities.  Some folks don’t get the opportunity to make this shift voluntarily.  Re-imagining life, reinventing myself is a gift.  Just maybe not the gift I expected.

Onward; slowly – like a snail or a leisurely summer Sunday.  Achievement will happen; or not, one step – one day at a time.


“Try not to resist the changes that come your way.  Instead let life live through you.  And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.  How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” – Rumi


You Look Marvelous!

The fresh, young millennial in last week’s yoga class had beautiful legs – with a light brown downy pelt of hair; soft and silky smooth.  It was dazzling, amazing – lovely.  She probably never put a razor to her legs once.  Trying to remember why I spend any time at all on that activity.  As a kid, I WANTED to shave my legs; made me feel all grown up – glamorous.  Decades later that upkeep is frankly a pain in the ass.

The reasons behind shaving, plucking and adorning women’s bodies has changed and morphed throughout history.  Why do women keep on shaving today?  Why do I?  It can’t simply be aesthetics when natural can be so pretty.  Is it because I was brought up to think I must?  To believe in this activity as a condition for beauty?

Going natural – in bits and pieces is my new experiment.  Fingernails, toenails – makeup . . . the non-permanent stuff . . . whose scale of difficulty to go au naturale varies.  That one really ugly toe (ugh) . . . slides the scale toward uncomfortable – but bearable.

Of course there’s THE BIG ONE . . . Hair!  When I left the corporate world I gave myself permission to quit the tedious and expensive ritual of dying my hair.  Chasing the auburn was wearing my ass out – and I suspected I’d be 100% white/gray. Boy-oh-boy was I scared!  What would people think?  Would I look old? – Ugly?  What would they say at Hip-Hop class?  I was extremely nervous, but determined.  Luckily I found a private support group on Facebook that helped me re-frame the questions.  Instead of wondering what other’s thought – I was encouraged to ask “What do I think?”  Instead of worrying about looking old – they wanted to know “How did I like my new look?”

Of course when the movie ticket guy asked my husband “is that one adult and one senior?” – Me being “THE SENIOR” – I was just a tiny bit thrown.  Then I laughed – have to wait a bit longer for that discount.

Society has very clear standards for female appearance – and behavior.  We’re expected to look a certain way, with the right make-up, hair, nails – and yes silky naked legs.  Too often we’re supposed to be quiet, calm and lady-like – all “sugar and spice and everything nice.”

Just not buying that right now.  We – men and women – are messy, complicated and peculiar.  When I’m authentic, I contribute something unique to the world.  It’s easier for me to make physical changes than behavioral adjustments.  This experiment is moving my comfort zone . . . providing the impetus to brave the source of my beliefs behind appearances.

Will there be a silky pelt on my lower appendages in the future?  – Hmmm, jury still out on that one.


“You look marvelous!” – catchphrase of Fernando Lamas. That is who Billy Crystal modeled his character “Fernando” after.


If Truth be Known

From the time I was introduced to Ken Wilbur and “The Spectrum of Consciousness” in his book No Boundary back in ’92 – his ideas fascinated me.  His philosophy has evolved into what he identifies as an Integral worldview.  He connects ideas and perspectives across multiple disciplines rationally and persuasively.  What seems incompatible or contrary, is not – it’s just a different piece of the puzzle.

When he published his eBook Trump and a Post-Truth World after the election, of course I downloaded it.  Took me 9-months before I would sit still and look at it.  When I did, I found an interesting take on what got us to today’s cultural conflicts, and what we might do if we’re not happy about it.

Wilbur’s a bit of a rebel; his theories are bold, original; visionary – and complex.  While they aren’t necessarily written for the masses, they woke me long ago – and continue to bump me out of my mind ruts.

He reminds me that we all travel every phase of growth.  We’re born narcissistic infants … who sooner or later discover how family and community can suffer from our behavior.  As we mature we learn about science and humanity.  We become rational; we discover diversity.  We even begin to see how differences create strength.  We learn there are universal truths.

We move through stages that Wilbur calls “pre-personal,” (magic / mythic) “personal,” (rational) and “trans-personal” (integral).

Depending on the cards we’re dealt, our strength of character – our willingness to examine life; we move through these stages.  But some don’t.  Some get stuck.

Sadly we can’t see beyond our level of development.  Just like parents can’t reason with a toddler – we can’t make people see.  Many remain judgmental and disapproving of things they don’t understand.

Wilbur estimates that ~60% of the U.S. population are in ego or ethno-centric phases of development.  These citizens see little value in a global community, in science; diversity.  What compassion and empathy they have, is generally reserved for their tribe.

Then there are the folks who claim a liberal, progressive outlook.  Wilbur submits that a portion of these progressives took this position to a nihilistic / narcissistic extreme.  Using logic and rational critical thinking, these postmodernists – haughtily and arrogantly disregarded those they felt beneath them.  They forgot that they too once walked related paths.  No wonder the self-proclaimed patriots pushed back.

“Every now and then,” Wilbur says, “evolution itself has to adjust course.”  So we regress to a place where we were once stable – before we can self-correct and move forward again.  That place for us was part of a domination hierarchy.  A hierarchy that existed before we began to believe that hierarchies don’t exist – that all beliefs and opinions are valid; no matter how ridiculous (“flat-earthers” claim the earth is flat – for real).

Hierarchies do exist.  Truth exists.

We embody a wondrous example of a holistic hierarchy.  In No Boundary Wilbur says:

“.. just as, in evolution, a whole quark becomes part of an atom, a whole atom becomes part of a molecule, a whole molecule becomes part of a cell, a whole cell becomes part of an organism, and so on.”

Either we live in a society with a dominating hierarchy, or one with a holistic hierarchy . . . with natural, intrinsic truths.  When we deny any hierarchy at all – that egalatarianism of viewpoints; we get “alternative facts” and conspiracy theories.  When we deny universal truth . . . we deny that there IS a better way.

My preference is to live in a holistic hierarchy.

As I continued to read about the post-truth world, a message sunk in – again; how some of my relationships need a willingness – on both sides, to work toward a middle ground.  Ground that allows authenticity and loving acceptance for the one who holds a contradictory belief.  This can be a hard pill to swallow.

Ken Wilbur says “step one” is for the off-the-rails postmodernists (the “greens”) to reduce their “pervasive hostility and vindictiveness toward all previous stages of development…” – they really can’t see that dimension.

His “step two”— is for “the realization that growth holarchies provide the actual basis of the value judgments that green is already making, and that these growth holarchies also are the only truly effective means to displace the dominator hierarchies…” – we must pursue growth, educate for growth; resist dominance.

Yes; I want a holistic hierarchy – not a dominating one.  The sneering must stop – on both sides.  If truth be known . . . inherent truth, not made up alternative facts – we must bring it to light.  Again and again and again.


“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
