Waking Up – Letting Go

Hiking Woody GapDr. Joe Dispenza (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself) says our personalities are set by the time we hit our 30s and 40s.  We’ve adapted to our environment, honed our coping skills; know how to avoid our hot buttons, often without a conscious thought.  Welcome to your life – over and over and over again.  If I want a different reality, a different future – I must become a different person.  It’s hard to see this repetitive re-living.  It’s hard because it’s unconscious.  By midlife though, something doesn’t feel right – we’re uncomfortable, unsettled – no longer willing to keep up the pretense that we’re happy.

Who the hell wants to look at the why?  Looking hurts, it can be embarrassing, shameful, devastating.  Those coping mechanisms were erected for good reasons.  So we bury the pain, those feelings; find ways to distract ourselves with TV, technology, gossip; anything to “feel better or different” – and escape!

 “This is the midlife crisis that most people know about. Some try really hard to make buried feelings stay buried by diving further into their external world. They buy the new sports car (thing); others lease the boat (another thing). Some go on a long vacation (place). Yet others join the new social club to meet new contacts or make new friends (people). Some get plastic surgery (body). Many completely redecorate or remodel their homes (acquire things and experience a new environment).

If I want a life worth living – a life of purpose, of meaning; full of love, joy, peace – how the hell can I avoid looking at the why?  According to Dispenza the people who don’t bury their feelings:

 “..ask some big questions: Who am I?  What is my purpose in life?  Where am I going?  Who am I doing all of this for?  What is God?  Where do I go when I die?  Is there more to life than “success”?  What is happiness?  What does all this mean?  What is love?  Do I love myself?  Do I love anyone else?  And the soul begins to wake up . . . . “ 

“Instead of buying a bigger TV or the latest smart phone, these people stop running from the feelings that they’ve been trying to make go away for so long, face it head-on, and intently look at it.  When this happens, the individual begins to wake up.  After some self-reflection, she discovers who she really is, what she has been hiding, and what no longer is working for her.  So she lets go of the façade, the games, and the illusions.  She is honest about who she really is, at all costs, and she is not afraid to lose it all.  This person stops expending the energy she had been putting into keeping an illusory image intact. 

Sometimes honesty comes with a price.  Our people are invested in who we are – it feeds their own illusion of who they are.  The may say I liked you better the other way.”  When they see us change we may make them uncomfortable.  The emotional bond that keep us tight will scream for us to STOP … don’t change; stay the same illusion we were; even if it kills us.

Can I really say: You know what?  It doesn’t matter if I don’t make you happy any longer.  I’m through obsessing about how I look or what other people think about me.  I am finished living for everyone else.  I want to be free from these chains.” 

It’s a lot to ask.  A lot to ask of me – to let go of my old life, my work, my friends to be true to myself.  It is also a lot to ask of my tribe – to let go of the “me” that they know, but which I am not.  The alternative is to continue to sleep .. is that really an option?

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Wyoming me with Einstein

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” ― Joseph Campbell


Formula to Create A Better Me

Hiking PeekCould I get any more giggly with excitement!?  I’m telling better stories – waking up to my personal kevtcher; short circuiting her control.  I continue to poke around the intersection of philosophy and quantum theory – found a cool formula explaining why the prosperity gospel falls short.

In Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself; How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, Dr. Joe Dispenza uses quantum science to explain how our habits, our routines, our thoughts and feelings keep us stuck.  “We communicate with the quantum field primarily through our thoughts and feelings.”  He cites experiments on a theory of coherence conducted at the HeartMath Lab in California that produced the intended effect “when subjects held both heightened emotions and clear objectives in alignment.”  If an experiment focused just on thoughts – no change was observed; on emotions alone – again, no observable change.

 “An intentional thought needs an energizer, a catalyst – and that energy is an elevated emotion.” 

“The quantum field doesn’t respond simply to our wishes – our emotional requests.  It doesn’t just respond to our aims – our thoughts.  It only responds when those two are aligned or coherent.”

Thought Emotion Waves

When our thoughts and emotions are coherent we create a “state of being.”  “The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.”  Our habits and routines, our thoughts and feelings perpetuate our state of being.  With the same behaviors, I create the same reality; over and over.  Without alignment with my feelings I can think all the happy thoughts I want; but if I walk around a bitchy, sad, annoyed mess – I won’t change anything.  I’ll get the same ‘ole, same ‘ole.

“If you could create a new electromagnetic field by changing your state of being, which matches that potential in the quantum field of information, is it possible that your body would be drawn to that event or that event would find you?”  – Oh Hell Yeah!

Time to ask “What am I broadcasting…?” -– Start matching the better stories with better feelings. As Dispenza says, I need to “think, feel, and act in new ways; we have to “be” different in terms of our responses to experiences.  We have to “become” someone else.” 

ALLOW THE SURPRISE!  “To change our reality, those outcomes that we attract to ourselves have to surprise, even astonish, us in the way in which they come about.” 

WHY?  “If you can predict an event, it is nothing new . . the same you produced the familiar outcome.”  According to Dispenza we’d just be going “Newtonian” – “all cause and effect” on the outcome.  That’s “when the external environment is controlling your internal environment.”  Instead, become a “quantum creator” – change the internal environment; “see how the external environment is altered by your efforts.”  To do this I must “surrender, trust, and let go of how a desired event will unfold.” 

Whoa!  Tall order; can this control freak do it?   Oh Yeah!  I’m totally jazzed and working the heck out of it.  I feel the good flying right at me!


“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” – Henry David Thoreau



Tell Better Stories

Dirty GirlLast night I called one of my husband’s acquaintances a dickhead (not to his face).  Is he a dickhead?  Maybe – maybe not.  Do I think he’s a dickhead?  I did last night.  Does my husband?  He didn’t disagree.  As long as we continue to tell this story that’s what we’re going experience with this guy.

Squabbles happen; we have work disputes, friends disagree and bicker; day-to-day life brings a tiff or two with the family.  When a husband and wife spat goes down, do we start telling ourselves “bad husband” and “bad wife” stories?  The committee in our head can really dish it.  We must consciously choose to get off that treadmill!  These negative tales keep us stuck.  . . . bring us down.  Not only that,

Our people know it – without a word being said.

They feel it!

 Time to stop it!

Greg Kuhn (Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail) says: “the type of story you tell about any event is completely your choice.”  Reframing the story from last night, I could say “Dick wasn’t straight forward with you in that situation.  He’s been supportive in the past, maybe he’s got something going on that we don’t know about.”  That’s a better story.  Maybe my husband felt validated and supported by my comment last night – but I didn’t help him create a better future reality.

When I pay conscious attention – listen to my feelings; hear the “bad story” telling going on inside my head – or out of my mouth; I wake up.  This lets me get on with it to create a better reality – tell better stories.


Italy departure

 ““Persons appear to us according to the light we throw upon them from our own minds.”  ― Laura Ingalls Wilder, author (1867-1957)


The Stories We Tell

Steinhatchee fishingLet’s wrap a little real world living around quantum physics.  The components outlined by Greg Kuhn in Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail get no argument from me.

  • Holism – replaces mechanism: “All matter is made up of unified wholes that are often greater than the sum of their parts.
  • Unity – replaces determinism: “There is not necessarily a relationship between cause and effect.”
  • Entanglement – replaces separateness: “The observer and the observed cannot be separated.”
  • Nonlinearity – replaces logical outcomes: “Systems are not linear.”

Welcome new paradigm.  Still, I’ve read many books and heard many prosperity messages; applied them diligently, and like little “Splash” am confounded by situations that just don’t budge.  Why is that?  How I can exchange my old world fish tank for something more productive?

Greg Kuhn gives a Three Step Process which he says will reform my “neural patterns of habitual thought.”  Making changes in these areas will impact my daily life and open up a new universe.

One:  Understand Storytelling: Kuhn says “stop telling it like it is” and start “telling it how you want it to be.”  He reminds me that I choose the stories I tell, and the way I tell them; that I need to avoid using “ugly words.”  He also says “your beliefs are true for you simply because you’ve told yourself the stories so many times.” – OH YES!  Let me solve my storytelling problems.

Two:  See Your Beliefs (and Your Feelings) Objectively: stop pretending my beliefs and feelings “are different than they currently are.”  Pretending doesn’t work – because I don’t believe it.  My feelings and beliefs are true for me, I should never deny or discount them.  But I can reframe them.   Instead of saying “I am sad” – say “I am experiencing sadness in the moment, but sadness is not who I am.”  This depersonalizes my beliefs – reminds me that this is just temporary.  When I tap into and listen to my feelings I am open to hear what belief may be out of sync with my desires and goals.  Remember – “Your beliefs create your expectations and your expectations create your physical experiences.”

Three:  How to Tell New Stories: Kuhn says “the type of story you tell about any event is completely your choice.”  I realize that some of my “stories” are doozies – and NOT what I want out of life!  Time, money, peace are biggies for me – doubt I’m alone there.  I need to “take responsibility” and get “freedom from suffering from this point forward.”  On it!  Create better stories!

Kuhn isn’t saying we’re to “blame” for awful circumstances; nor is he “claiming that people in horrific circumstance, like abused children, are responsible for their circumstance.”  He gives examples of courage and faith and a refusal to be limited by circumstance in the lives of Louis Zamperini and Viktor Frankl.  Laura Hillenbrand chronicled Zamperini’s perseverance in Unbroken – a man who would not give up telling himself a better story despite the odds.  Viktor Frank, one of my personal hero’s, told the horrors of his imprisonment in Auschwitz in his book Man’s Search for Meaning.  He chose to believe that his life had purpose, despite the cruel and brutal environment.

Gratefully my situation doesn’t compare – which gives me perspective.  Greg Kuhn says “All you need to do is stay aware and listen to the stories you’re currently telling, amending them immediately the moment you recognize that the stories are bad ones.” 

There are a few variables for success; like – how long have I carried a limiting belief? – How badly do I want to change my universe and reach my goals? – How diligently will I work to create better stories?  Guess it is all up to that woman in the mirror.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥NYC 2012 4

“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” – Robert H. Schuller


A New Fish Tank

Aquarium 2011Greg Kuhn, said I need a new paradigm.  In his book Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail he uses a “fish tank” metaphor to explain why a shift is essential; how moving from the worldview we grew up with, classical physics, and embracing the world of quantum physics lets us “solve some..vexing challenges and frustrations.”

He tells the story of “Splash,” busy in her old world fish tank – doing all the right things, with the right attitude; wondering why the heck she can’t reach her goals.  She questions herself; is she capable; is she willing; is she committed?  Is she worthy?  Her failures make her mad, bitter even.  Kuhn said she is doing the right things – she just needs a “much better fish tank.”

Laying out “four fundamental things the..first scientific revolution revealed” Kuhn contrasts them with lessons from quantum physics.  Classical physics tells us:

  1. Each “thing” is made of smaller parts with predictable functions. This gave rise to the paradigm of mechanism.
  2. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This gave rise to the paradigm we call determinism.
  3. The observer and the observed are two separate things. This gave rise to the paradigm of separateness.
  4. Things occur in a logical, linear fashion. This gave rise to the paradigm of logical outcomes.

Thankfully the classical physics paradigm (aka fish tank) brought us out of the dark ages.  Wonderful modern ways of living exist thanks to the fearless men and women of science.  YET.  There is more – the second scientific revolution, quantum physics.  Check out these new fish tanks:

  • Holism – replaces mechanism: “All matter is made up of unified wholes that are often greater than the sum of their parts.
  • Unity – replaces determinism: “There is not necessarily a relationship between cause and effect.”
  • Entanglement – replaces separateness: “The observer and the observed cannot be separated.”
  • Nonlinearity – replaces logical outcomes: “Systems are not linear.”

Here we are at the crossroads where physics meets philosophy that Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kutter spoke of in their book The Quantum Enigma.  These four distinctions made by Greg Kuhn are supported by the evidence accumulated by quantum physicists – leading us to conceive of a new paradigm.

I’m ready to rock it!  Where do I start?

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Steinhatchee Lucy

 “If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.´– Niels Bohr
