Time to Let Go, Who Wants to be Dragged

How many times did I want to let go; but wouldn’t; couldn’t? Grasping a grievance, a person, or a habit slowly chips away at my peace.

When I’m honest I see grievance is about ego; especially the “you did me wrong” accusation. Maybe I’m the one who’s wrong. Even if I’m not, so what. If it’s egregious, goodbye – one way to let go. Holding onto something that eats me up – why? To be the big dog? To be right?

Reciprocal love and friendship are glorious. That one-way street is torture and clinging, just a need for control.

Habits are tricky. They’re buried under layers of societal and familial conditioning. We grow up thinking this is who I am – how things are supposed to be. No. Just because we think it’s so doesn’t make it true. It often takes a hard knock to make us willing to change a belief.

My thoughts, poor choices and willingness to simply fit in with the crowd interferes with my happiness.  Realizing this is an aha moment.  Having the courage to own it and change it – while difficult, ultimately is what relieves the pressure.

It boils down to how happy I want to be and how addicted I am to suffering.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

Lao Tzu


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