The Winter Solstice – A Time of New Beginnings

The Winter Solstice occurs this week. That moment when the Northern Hemisphere experiences its shortest day and longest night. On its heels is a new moon, the darkest phase of that monthly cycle.

Both represent a shift; astronomically and spiritually. They’re seasonal and monthly cues from the cosmos.

Many traditions suggest the solstice and the new moon are a symbol of new beginnings. Occasions I can reflect on the darkness and the light that dependably follows. Then set intentions for the month and year before me.

The philosophical planner in me is intrigued by this advice. I can use the solstice to set my intention for the coming year at a macro level. The “what” being something like:

If my goal in 2023 is to have ”A Sense of Purpose” – knowing what that means to me, and how to live it authentically is important, personal – and somewhat elusive.

Pinning down an abstract intention and expecting results wants planning and execution. Breaking down big ideas into smaller bits with tangible goals and outcomes helps.

Monday I read in Seth’s Blog: “Boundaries are levers – And assertions are maps.” So yeah; what’s it gonna cost? How long will it take? Planning. Boundaries.

Will my quest for a sense of purpose include therapy, travel, support from family and friends? Decisions to make and projections to consider.

If I use my intention as a guiding star, maybe I’ll be less likely to allow distractions too much oxygen. Or I’ll think twice before being pulled off track by something else equally worthy.

Using the last new moon of 2022 – The Wolf Moon; Friday, December 23 (5:18 AM ET / 10:17 AM UTC) – in the wake of the Winter Solstice; feels like right timing to make a plan.

Next year’s monthly lunar cycle can be a helpful framework to use as a touchstone. A time to check in, evaluate progress and make adjustments.

Now is a time of new beginnings with a lovely schedule to nurture momentum. My intentions are generally good and well placed. My follow-through could use the structure. Paradoxical as it may be, with structure I find empowerment and freedom.

“The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.”

– Gary Zukav

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