On the Verge – Hurry Up and Wait

My Higher Self likes to remind me … “patience young grasshopper.”

Too many times I prayed for patience. One day it dawned on me that this prayer might create situations where practicing acceptance is mandatory. So, I quit that prayer.

Along the way I learned that patience is a strength. A strength found in everyday living. The commencement speech by David Foster Wallace, “This is Water” reminds me that my day-in/ day-out life routine is where I get to choose. This is where I “decide what has meaning and what doesn’t.”

Then there’s days I know something’s about to go down; I’m on the verge . . . it’s a potent sensation. But what that some something is – haven’t a clue. That’s disconcerting.

When I allow myself to be still and sit in the discomfort of not knowing, that sense might shift to an awareness that it’s done. It’s here; complete. Inexplicably, that enigmatic imprint is amplified.

But everything is different.

Now I sit back and watch the unfolding.

“The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.”
― Paulo Coelho, Veronika Decides to Die
