Will the Real “Me” Please Stand Up – Truth or Consequences

“The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is.” ― Desiderius Erasmus

So true! But not easy. Can I know when I’m being who I really am? Maybe I’m performing a role that society and culture handed me when I was born. Perhaps trauma activated habitual behaviors and beliefs that I now call truth and reality.

I relish following the Greek aphorism know-thyself.” Being a searcher and a learner. This inclination is likely a part of who I am. But so are the bits thrust upon me at birth. As are the coping mechanisms in my toolbox; both good and bad. This is my lifetime to untangle the bits, take what I value and discard the rest.

My therapist reminds me not to throw out the baby with the bathwater HA!

This determination is highly subjective. So, I keep untangling the bits, evaluating my toolbox. What IS of value to me? What stays and what goes? Can I do this? Do I want to?

Being on the precipice of change is scary. And far too easy to fall back into the comfort I know. Even when it’s no comfort at all.

I want to be ready. I want to know who I am. Reaching “the summit of happiness” sounds awesome.

Today – I’m ready to be ready to be ready. For now, that’s enough.
