“Don’t Worry, My Story Ends Good”

Thank you Lisa Nichols!

When I encounter those who would tear me down and point out how I fall short of their ideal, you remind me. You remind me to ignore the naysayers. You remind me to stand tall in my convictions and aspirations – to keep moving forward.

One thing that boosts my nerve to face the inevitable critics is the backing of kindred spirits.

Taking big risks to meet eccentric objectives is a habit I made early. The first few were reckless and impulsive. Without serendipity there for me things coulda gone sideways fast. Encountering a supportive, caring posse saved my ass, most of the time.

Subsequent leaps off the cliff were a bit more calculated. Now I apply the lessons learned; nurture a mutual, committed support system. And tuck away a tentative Plan B.

My community balances the critics. Everyone has an opinion. Listening to my personal board of directors helps me evaluate the contradictions. And yet, it is my peculiar insight that has the final say.

Ms. Nichols says, “other people’s perception of you ain’t none of your business.”

She’s right. It’s my unique knowing that matters. It’s me defying gravity.

“After all, the true seeing is within.” ― George Eliot, Middlemarch
