T-Shirt Philosophy

Went on a t-shirt buying binge over the holidays.  Good distraction for what ailed me – plus I got to get my Philosophy geek on.  When my clan of enquiring minds said “huh?” – I realized I needed elevator cliff notes on what the T’s meant.  Of course one customer comment prophesized: “you realize no one will know what you’re talking about when you wear that.”

For future queries and my own recollection; my elevator notes:

  • Socrates – Corrupting the Youth, Since the 5th Century B.C.E.

The man who said:

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”

“True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.”

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”

.. used questions as a method to expose people and issues; often making the distinguished look foolish.  By shining a light on the ignorance around him, Socrates pissed off his enemies. They convicted him of “corrupting the youth” and condemned him to death.  He wouldn’t run away even when he had the chance.  Now that’s standing up for what you believe in!

  • Plato’s Cave – Search & Rescue Team: Bringing you to the light, since 380 BCE

My first Philosophy class was organized around Plato’s Parable of the Cave in The Republic.  Made quite an impression.

When chained to a wall in a cave and nothing can be seen but shadows projected onto that wall – people will fabricate their reality.  Knowing no better, they watch objects pass by the fire behind them, and give these shadows identity.  Should a prisoner become free and escape the cave – eyes adjusting to the brightness, they see that the shadows weren’t real.

Most inmates though have no desire to leave their shadow world; the life they know.  So beware, you who would rescue them, they may turn on you and call you the crazy one.

  • J.P. Sartre – Condemned To Be Free, Since 1946

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.”

Existential – Free will.  Are we free agents responsible for choosing our own development through acts of will?  Sartre says yes.

He says there is no choice but to choose; this is the human condition.  We say we must take the next right step.  What is the “next right step?”  It’s the step we choose to take.  Without justification; no excuses.  We choose the things we choose – because we choose them.  This is our great responsibility.  Quit blaming others or circumstances for how our life turns out.

It’s easy to forget where my sense of knowing comes from – those curious instincts and intuitions.  They come from years of discovery, learning and trying out my hypotheses.  From the stuff I read and my trial and error experience when I practice what I preach.  I remain forever grateful to my tribe of seekers – who relentlessly poke and prod me to remember.


 “There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.” – William James
