What is My Body Telling Me?

            … that I am not willing to hear?

Since the late 80’s I’ve gorged on books like Dr. Bernie Siegel’s Love, Medicine and Miracles, Peace, Love, and Healing, and Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life.  I find the mind-body connection fascinating.  While I say I’m all for combining traditional methodologies with alternatives to provide a complementary approach to healing, I’ve seriously pissed people off suggesting they – first – consider some of the underlying principles from the alternative side of the isle.

Am I ignoring the holistic, complementary approach since I broke my pinkie-toe on my left foot two weeks ago?  The toe’s been taped, iced and recommended dosages of ibuprofen taken to reduce the swelling.  Applying the alternatives – asking questions like “what is my toe trying to tell me?”  Affirmation, affirmation!  However, being a bit (lot) stubborn I DID NOT want to curtail my exercise regimen.  So toe, just tell me what “understanding” I need to have to make the pain go away.  Please don’t make me stop dancing!

Alas; damn pinkie-toe just won’t heal – not talking to me either.  Could it be that I am beating her to smithereens with Cardio Fusion, Zumba® and MADD-X® and she’s pissed-off?  Don’t think fitness yoga is helping either.  Well buggers.  Guess I have to slow down, take it easy; and keep listening for the still quiet pinkie-toe voice.

pinky-toe boo-boo
       pinkie-toe boo-boo

“Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.” –  Shakti Gawain
