Be Happy on the Way to Happy

Thank you, Viola Davis for this Jenifer Lewis short:

As Ms. Davis says in her Instagram post . . . these powerful words are a gift. An inspiring, motivating gift. For me it’s her call to be happy now that most registers.

“You gotta be happy on your way to happy; don’t think you’re going to get there and be happy; you carry yourself with you.”

Going through life sad, mad or melancholy isn’t necessary. Not when there are so many things that bring pleasure and lift me up. Why be consumed or fixated on contrary thoughts and positions?

Everything has its season. Yes. This is life after all.

Choosing how I think and perceive the world is a habit. When I encourage happy thoughts, the joy in life unique and distinctive to me grows. Like a muscle it gets stronger with use.

Today, let me wake up and find delight, enjoyment and pleasure; and choose to meet myself.

“If you’ve got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing.”

― Melody Carstairs