It’s Not Her – It’s Me

no cluePart of my work-day routine is to get a “good” cup-a-coffee at the Company Coffee Shop before I hit my day.  And usually ask: Why?  Why are the baristas so grumpy and slow?  One barista in particular seemed particularly disgruntled and sulky.

After several (um, yes)–years of inward grumbling about the cranky, sluggish service, I thought I’d do some experimental “flash prayers” specifically on Her Grumpiness.  Flash prayers are an idea developed by Frank Laubach that I read about in The Celebration of Discipline, by Richard J. Foster; (wonderful book gifted to me long ago by a dear friend).  Laubach says “Flashing hard and straight prayers at people is a great thrill and can bring interesting results.”   I’ve practiced them on and off for years.  My brand of flash includes a shot of white light onto my prayer recipient.

It struck me like a – BIG HARD BRICK – this week that it worked!  But with an unexpected twist.  As I was checking out early one morning, I saw her across the room – she turned, smiled and waved at me.  I smiled and waved back.  BAM!  How did that happen?  Turns out she is a really nice woman, has a college-aged daughter, gets to work really early every morning (5:45am), enjoys her comfort foods at night while relaxing at home and has a great smile.

What changed?  Me – I changed.  I stopped seeing her as someone who serves me, and started seeing her as SOMEONE.  I began treating her with kindness and interest.  And she reciprocated.  I know this, most of know this – I just needed a reminder! How does it get any better than that?!

 “If you treat a man as he is, he will remain as he is, if you treat him as he ought to be and could be, he will become as he ought to be and could be.”
– Goethe

