The Big Accomplishment – A Gift I Can Decline

Seth Godin says that sunk costs are “a gift from your former self”. . and . . “the question is, do you have to accept that gift?”

Maybe yes, maybe no. Some sunk costs propel me forward in a good way. Others are an anchor holding me down. Only I can know how sunk costs impact my life. The time, effort and money to pursue an education, a profession or a relationship is worth it only if I’m better for it emotionally.

Seth says that “our ability to rationalize sunk cost is really spectacular.” How hard or easy it is to tell other people that we’re ignoring sunk costs – influences what we think of ourselves.

What other people think . . .

So yeah; stay in that profession that cost a small fortune to achieve; so what if I’m miserable. Don’t move, don’t leave, don’t give up that childhood dream – it took SO much to get here. And this is who I am.

But it’s not.

Every day I get to decide who I am.

Is that easy? No – But it’s possible, and sometimes that’s enough.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”

― Ann Landers