Purpose is More than We Can See

Infinity ∞
– the numberless number; magnitude
– the Absolute; God
Zeno’s Paradox; Infinite Regression

The human brain isn’t big enough to truly hold this concept. Meditating on the idea can open channels to see a glimpse on the horizon; or feel it in stillness; get lost in it.

Still, the meaning and significance of infinity continues to be explored and studied by scholars of math, religion and philosophy.

How and where I fit into the boundless is what captivates me. I used to say we’re each a sliver of the universe. That early view of mine contained only my human life as I am here today. That premise is too small. I’m more than a personality and body; my spirit, my soul – my essence is infinite.

Practically speaking NOW is what I have. However, my thoughts and actions contribute not just to this life, but my soul’s growth and wisdom. This can be a calling or a burden. For me, knowing I’m an endless, everlasting consciousness opens the door for variety and freedom.

This personality is a sliver of my spirit, which is a sliver of the universe. Probably too small still – but something I can continue to reflect on.

In her song, Carol King imagined life as a tapestry. Building on this, imagine the masterpiece being formed at a grand scale – for me, by me. The choices I make in this thread of life contribute to the overall tenor of my being.

Purpose is more than we can see.

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”

― Paulo Coelho


Rock the Boat, Don’t Tip the Boat Over

There are as many ways to make the world better – as there are people.

Venice Italy

The determination of those who step up to the front lines is remarkable. They lead important movements, care for the hurt and brokenhearted. The trailblazers guide, influence and motivate – often into uncharted territory.

The frontier I seek, and my preferred way to change the world, is through personal transformation, less ego and doing better. Directing my energy to heal wounds and increase self-knowledge develops me and my relations with my inner circle. As I grow so does my influence – like a rock sending ripples on a calm pond.

A day came when my need to do something MORE exploded. My fight instinct was triggered. So, I did things; large and small. My foray into a world of resistance, politics and social conflict was challenging. Hot buttons were pushed and deeply buried wounds exposed – casting me into a dark place. Forget about rocking the boat, I went into the sea. The experience certainly brought more insights, but it was unsettling and stressful.

Struggles aren’t good or bad, they inform.

My walk through that Dark Night of the Soul reaffirmed and deepened how I want to show up in the world.

By reframing my outlook on obstacles, I found ways to change the world personally and as an ally. Focusing my energy on what I want, not some looming doom – I found the stamina and creativity to contribute.

Symbolically I renamed a folder for email keepers – from “RESISTANCE” to “FREEDOM.” That’s where my ActBlue receipts go. How I participate with the freedom community has evolved and matured. Moments of temper still pay a visit, but they don’t derail me for long.

My internal candle supports the cause, as does my low-key external contribution. Knowing how to personally meet communal moments of unrest is important. Every approach when activated creates a bigger more diverse impact – and is more likely to succeed.

I want to be a part of a world that works together, rocks the boat, when we notice people and communities being wrecked. We’re all different, as are our talents and strengths to make waves. No need to tip the boat over.

“If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?”

― Gloria Steinem
Don’t Rock the Boat – Hughes Corporation

The Air is More Than Empty Space

Sending blessings, love and energy through the airwaves is a satisfying and nourishing gift. People sense affection and support, whether they’re near or far away. It’s a powerful way to make a personal difference for myself and others.

This emotional force deserves careful attention though. People also intuit the malevolent vibes and often respond in kind. As the saying goes, what you put out you get back.

It seems logical that words and behavior expose my feelings. The power of my thoughts is less obvious. While I consider them private, their impact is tangible. Pretending otherwise is just fooling myself. The good news is that I create tomorrow with the attitudes of today. Let me choose those thoughts wisely.

Influencing energy through space isn’t science fiction or new age magic. Views conceived by psychics, mystics and clairvoyants are now scientific reality.

High-frequency radio waves bring Facetime and Zoom calls. Bluetooth delivers airdrop photos and my favorite tunes on a wireless speaker. I don’t need to know how it all works, but I’m grateful to the engineers and technicians that brought these marvels to life.

A century ago, science established that plants benefit when we talk to them. And recent studies suggest trees communicate with each other through their roots and soil. There’s a beautiful deodar cedar in my front yard. I stop and look from inside – appreciating her beauty and character, feeling peace. That she may feel this emotion from a distance and benefit is inspiring.

The air around us is more than empty space.

Striking a balance between science and fancy is a good approach for me. Experimentation and practice increase the confidence I have in my instincts. This is how I learned my intuitions are reliable and hunches to be explored, no matter how peculiar.

Taking responsibility for the thoughts in my head is a practical ambition. For those notions where science hasn’t caught up, I’ll follow my intuition and instinct.

Imagine it and make it real.

“All imaginative men and women are forever casting forth enchantments, and all passive men and women, who have no powerful imaginative lives, are continually passing under the spell of their power” – Neville Goddard; ‘The Law and The Promise’


My Path Is Unique – Comparisons Not Required

It’s not about where I am, but the distance I traveled to get here. What I learn along the way is the gift.

Yet our society asks us to rank ourselves against neighbors, co-workers, family and friends regardless of the grace or handicap we’re bestowed at birth. This habit of behavior creates needless suffering.

If I meet someone at some point in time somewhere in space, after spending decades and significant effort getting there; while they were born in a situation nearby – how similar are we?

Click here for: The Sneetches

It’s likely our prospects, temperaments and worldviews are different. Proximity isn’t always related to affinity. Still, we’re on the same path now – that’s not an accident. The tenant “like attracts like” is an explanation, a warning or a promise depending on how you look at it.

There’s a poem by an unknown author that suggests people show up in our lives for a “Reason, Season or Lifetime.” Law of attraction brought us together; the why is ours to discover. What starts out as a helping hand or guidance and comfort during a tough time can mature into a lifelong friendship. Seasonal relationships provide camaraderie and fellowship in the many communities we reside. Those lifetime bonds – they’re pure gold.

The company I find along my path bring vibrancy and depth to my experience. When I listen to my intuition and use my imagination to invent tomorrow; the company that coincidence delivers to my door will surely delight and surprise me.

My path is unique. The people I meet along the way are an instrument of enlightenment, comparison is not required.

“Stop thinking you’re doing it all wrong. Your path doesn’t look like anybody else’s because it can’t, it shouldn’t, and it won’t.” – Eleanor Brownn


You See? Now Everything Is Different

Don Henley says life can change In A New York Minute. Yes, suddenly things can get a little strange.

More commonly though life evolves. When I look back at happenings a year ago, two years, ten; those things that made me crazy or filled me with joy – they’re gone. Replaced with new challenges and rewards.

Hindsight is an interesting animal. I see progress when I look in the rearview mirror; not just materially, but emotionally and spiritually. Finding myself in a place of peace and self-possession is gratifying. Appreciating this mindset gives me the momentum to keep up the discipline and awareness that got me here.

Human nature wants more; wants expansion. If I don’t grow, I stagnate. Fortunately, I’m predisposed with infinite wants and needs. New longings come up, new missions revealed; someone crosses my path and opens me to new opportunities for self-growth.

And it’s possible to more consciously direct my evolution. When I pay attention to my intuition, my gut; I feel those moments when change is possible. It can start out a bit fuzzy, but if I intentionally focus on the feeling, ambiguity fades. A shift in perspective is palpable.

The mystics are right – I can create the future with my imagination, and they invite me to try. By testing the hypotheses they present; the world becomes my canvas. What I’m learning is fascinating and revealing. Revealing the beliefs that block me; fascinating when unexpected benefits appear.

“Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.” — Marcus Aurelius
