Special Recipe: Bringing Desires to Their Fulfillment

Desires are things we don’t possess right now. They’re what we want to have, to be, to experience – but don’t see with our physical eyes. When we do see or experience them, the want goes away. To be replaced with something new.

I can consciously nudge my desires into reality. Not by coercing them there – but by sensing their presence before they show up.

Exploring the works of Christian mystic Neville Goddard introduced me to a formula; a special recipe to remove barriers and bring my longings to life. Across his writings Neville counsels embracing “the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” When I take up and sustain this awareness … the seed is planted.

In his book Your Faith is Your Fortune, he lays out a simple (not easy) formula – he calls “a practical application” of The Triune God mystery. In Chapter 16 he says:

“Sit quietly and decide what it is you would like most to express or possess.”

– Neville Goddard
  • Close your eyes – Imagine it; feel it
  • Fill up with the Joy of the being/having of it
  • Meditate on being pregnant with it
  • “Walk in secrecy” – don’t tell anyone
  • Reflect on a measure of time you judge necessary for this child to be born
“Tell no man of your spiritual romance. Lock your secret within you in joy, confident and happy that someday you will bear the son of your lover by expressing and possessing the nature of your impression.”

Can I maintain the faith and belief following this path requires? In private? – Sometimes. It’s a journey – but a journey worth taking.

Mackinac Island

“You’re never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” ― Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah