Do You Have the Guts?

Anita Competition WinnerAnita has the guts to compete.  She also has the discipline, the focus and the will to bring her A-game to win!  And win she did; three for three trophies!  I almost lost my voice cheering!  What an inspiration.  What perseverance – what guts!  During her long weeks of training, Anita and talked almonds.  Eight almonds to be exact; that’s how many her trainer said she could eat a day.  Anita LOVES almonds, said she couldn’t stop at eight.  So she didn’t eat any.  What!?!  That is one serious woman.  What a magical night watching her compete and win.  I walked out of there feeling like a winner – just because I know her!

Seth Godin says “your biggest failure is the thing you dreamed of contributing but didn’t find the guts to do.”

What do you dream of doing?  What’s stopping you?

Go on, do it – I double dog dare ya!

Anita Competes