My Eagle Has Landed – Far Out!

A Bald Eagle visited us last week. We got the heads up she was around, then I saw her. My husband and I spent the next hour bird watching – fascinated by the size and power of this creature.

Birds are symbolic for me. Perhaps being born into a family with the surname “Hawk” predisposed me to watch out for these beautiful animals.

Maybe the dramatic dream event featuring a flying oracle that arrived at a pivotal moment in my life is what influences my persistent sky gazing. Certainly, Richard Bach’s book Illusions kicked off a decades long habit of collecting blue feathers as a reminder of my ability to manifest my life.

What message is this Eagle here to deliver? Watching for signs from the Universe is enlightening, and personal. This particular visit happened just before the Winter Solstice, while I was meditating on my Intention for the coming year.

In his article about Eagle Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), Garth C. Clifford suggests:

“An encounter with an eagle is a moving experience which has the potential to broaden one’s mind and open the heart to new experiences. Encountering an eagle is often uplifting. Eagle encounters may occur during times when we are most in need of the eagle’s fearless majesty. Eagle encounters remind us to have faith in ourselves and to choose the righteous path.”

Eagle symbolism is found in many philosophies, including Christianity, Greek Mythology and Celtic Lore. Certain Native Americans believe the eagle to represent “the upward direction. The eagle spirit is a powerful leader, a messenger between earth and the heavens, and even a sacred healer.”

Joyce Elliot looks at What Does a Bald Eagle Symbolize? 7 Powerful Meanings. Her enquiry proposes:

  1. The Power of Freedom; The bald eagle was chosen as an American national symbol in 1782 because of its great size, strength, and beauty. . . it has no natural enemies in North America and thus can fly anywhere it pleases.
  2. You Are Trying To Control Everything; This bird symbolism represents the idea that you are trying to control everything in your life. While this may sound good, it may lead to da [sic] destruction of relationships with other people.
  3. A New Chance In Life; The bald eagle is one of the most recognizable birds in America, and it’s also one of the most powerful symbols. And it’s not just because of its strength…the bald eagle represents a fresh start in life.
  4. Showcase Your Talents; Seeing a bald eagle is a sign from the Universe that you need to start using your talents and secret powers. The animal itself is a symbol of power, freedom, and wisdom, so if you see one, it means that you have a lot of untapped potentials that can be unleashed.
  5. Don’t Pretend; The bald eagle represents the power to be yourself and to do whatever it is you want to do, without fear. Seeing this bird also implies that you need to stop pretending and be yourself.
  6. Don’t Neglect Your Soul; Seeing this bird means that you should not neglect your soul. The bald eagle is a symbol of the power of the spirit and its ability to soar above the material world. It also represents divine guidance and protection.
  7. You Can Do It; Seeing a bald eagle is a positive sign and it means that you need to believe in yourself and your abilities. It represents strength, power, and freedom. It’s also considered to be a sign of good luck and prosperity.

My last bald eagle sighting was in Alaska during the 2003 Summer Solstice. This new spotting was magnificent and momentous. Recently I learned that the Raven is my spirit animal. Between discovering my new envoy and the Eagle sighting, I’m encouraged and eager for my next chapter. Being aware enough to listen to messages meant for me is a gift I give myself.

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” ― Henry David Thoreau