Ima Do It – ‘Cause Baby I’m Worth It

Having courage means I can do something that frightens me. Bravery isn’t fearlessness. The Star Trek crew boldly went “where no man has gone before” but they never claimed to be casual about it. Being daring and courageous steps me outside my comfort zone.

It’s weird what makes me prickly though. At least until I find its source. Like when I quit dying my hair. I was nervous how other students in my hip-hop class would view me. And my first blog post was a real nail biter. Acceptance and fitting in are basic incentives to mask up and hide out.

The quality of my problems today is higher than it once was. Habits and beliefs I want scuttled now helped me survive hardships and overcome obstacles. They’re part of my arsenal – and not readily surrendered.

However, when I see how clutching an opinion brings sorrow and adversity, I might want to let it go. Too often it takes a hard bottom to motivate change. It’s been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Bring on the willingness please.

Once willing and action taken, the roughest bits fall away. Then it’s time to bring out the fine sandpaper to whittle and sculpt that onion. Maybe for the rest of my life.

To put myself forward, outside the safe space I know is truly the best way to live.

Find that anxiety – determine if it’s real, or some version of deception. Do that thing that makes butterflies churn the stomach. It’s worth it. I’m worth it.

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

― George Bernard Shaw