When I look around, what do I see? I see precisely what’s inside me. These things, people, places, all reflect my thoughts and beliefs. If I see it, it’s me – I am that.
Before I retired one of my co-workers annoyed the hell out of me. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way. One day I had an epiphany – I am Bob! I am the annoying guy! For 30 years I’ve advocated what I call the mirror concept – this is what it means. I am what’s reflected back at me from my environment. I am Bob.
Owning this can feel like swallowing a giant pill. Who willingly admits they ARE what they find hideous – or even mildly irritating? Some things are just too up close and personal. Must I be responsible? Yes. I must. Esther Hicks tells me that things wouldn’t show up if there’s nothing in my vibration drawing it there.
When I acknowledged Bob as Me, my judgments eased. I cut him slack; treated him differently. Over time he reacted to me differently. Our relationship changed when I changed.
Change starts with awareness, and with an open mind acceptance may follow. Awareness and acceptance can change the world.
“Belief: When you believe something, you have made it true for you.
Thought: What you do comes from what you think.
Perception: Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true.”
Perception is a mirror, not a fact.
And what I look on is my state
of mind, reflected outward.”
Gifts from A Course In Miracles
F. Vaughan, R. Walsh