The Path: An Examined Life

SocratesPlato documented in his Apology that Socrates died for his convictions – he would not run away, he would not be silent.  Socrates knew that his jury would find his choice to be steadfast in his convictions hard to believe; and ultimately his belief “that the life which is unexamined is not worth living,“ and “would be disobedience to a divine command” – would bring a death sentence.

Thankfully I don’t face death in a court of law defending what I believe.  There are those that do; and many who face censure from their community, family, friends and places of work – just for what they believe.

Mostly I fit it – am I too quiet because I want to fit in?  Do I conform because it’s right for me, or because I don’t want to cause turmoil and drama?  Do I bite my tongue because I want to be liked, loved, admired and trusted?  Do I walk the party line at work because I’m afraid if I don’t they’ll throw me out on my ear and I need the paycheck?  Do I even know who I am and what I believe – that I would risk my life for the right to be that?  Do I have the courage to find out? unwatched video

Confession: I have a DVD recording of a talk I made during a women’s leadership seminar 5-years ago that I (still) have not watched.  What the heck am I afraid of?  That I sucked?  5-years ago?  Yeah – I’m scared shitless to see myself suck.  Hahahaha!!!  Oh jeez.

I have calendar diaries and journals that I’ve kept since the late 80’s.  Once I thought – oh my, I better get rid of these things, someone might read them and realize how f***’d up I am.  Then one day I dipped into “1987,” and it was kinda (ridiculously) inane, poorly written, full of drama, fuss and frankly boring.  Betting any hapless, poor sap reader would find it good fire-starting material.

journalsBut what a treasure trove for me.  Let me examine my life!  Maybe discover why I quit writing in 2005 – be brave – be tenacious (trudging through the trashy, melodramatic drivel) and look for nuggets that may educate and enlighten me.  I agree with Socrates about an examined life.  I want to know me – know what I am willing to die for; more importantly what I am willing to live for.


“Fear springs from ignorance.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson, The American Scholar

Baby me punching


2 Replies to “The Path: An Examined Life”

  1. I have found the Me has been the most difficult person to get to know. Reading above tells me that you have a beautiful character and a heart as big as the Mariana trench is deep.You are not a smart woman …you are a brilliant woman.

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