Epiphanies and Delight

Epiphany: noun \i-ˈpi-fə-nē\ – “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way – Merriam Webster dictionary.”

lightbulb-clipart-blue-and-black-light-bulb-mdEpiphanies don’t happen often. It’s thought they’re the result of significant deliberations on particular issues or topics.  Wikipedia says “they are triggered by a new and key piece of information, but importantly, a depth of prior knowledge is required to allow the leap of understanding.”  Because they’re rare, they can take people by surprise.

Robert had an epiphany a week ago – what a difference for our conversations! I had an epiphany yesterday – made me giddy with delight!


The “Intent” of the Observer creates reality.  Me: the Observer – creates my reality.  This means, as Dianne Collins says in Do You QuantumThink?, that “if you are not getting the result you want, you can create a new Intent, and you will alter the result.”  Of course we have to “become aware of the interpretations and conclusions that are already present, causing the predictable outcome.”  When we do and have that awareness, we have choice.

Ms. Collins points out that “creating from Intent is not ‘positive thinking.’ Positive thinking is something like trying to cover over a thought you believe is ‘the way it is’ with another thought that amounts to wishful thinking. Creating from Intent is a totally different domain. It means you realize as Werner Heisenberg and many other scientists and sages have realized: reality is not absolute; reality is alive and being created all the time by virtue of the way we relate to it, by what we bring to it.”

Incredibly excited to see what I bring to this new understanding.Wyoming rainbow

“Allow yourself the pleasure of what unfolds . . .” ― Dianne Collins


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